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Cutting-Edge Educational Sessions

Program of Events

Full Meeting Program (PDF)
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Plenary Session

8:00am – 10:00am

Welcome and Keynote Session: Strategies for Successful Mass Vaccination Rollout: Balancing Science, Politics, Communication and Trust [Plenary]

Meet the other ICPE delegates in an informal setting – the ideal place to put a face to the name of the one you've been emailing throughout the pandemic! Make new plans with friends and colleagues for your time in Copenhagen. Light finger food and drinks will be served.


Plenary Session

10:00am – 11:30am

Updates from the COVID-19 Pharmacoepidemiological Battlefield: Recent Victories and Battles Ahead [Plenary]

In this session, our four esteemed speakers will both look back over the many contributions from the pharmacoepidemiological society to the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as outline both learnings and likely challenges that lies ahead. Specifically, we will discuss the value of coordinated global collaborations in addressing urgent safety issues, what methodological insights we should take from these recent years, what regulators have learned and will expect from the pharmacoepidemiological society in the future, and what areas of the pandemic that will likely provide the study questions of the future.

Annual ISPE Membership Meeting & Awards Ceremony

2:40pm – 3:50pm

Call to Order & President's Address

Vin Lo Re, FISPE, ISPE President

Financial Report

Wei Zhou, FISPE, Vice President/Finance

New Business

Awards Ceremony

ISPE Board Transition


Hot Topics Session

3:15pm – 4:45pm


The symposium will start with 5 presentations (10-12 min each) on the topic followed by a panel discussion.


  1. The big sick: the rise of data-driven versus design-driven RWE studies and research waste (A Winterstein)
  2. The big cure 1: how can we mitigate publication of poorly conducted RWE studies – training non-pharmacoepidemiologists in good p-epi practice (T Stuermer)
  3. The big cure 2: a priori study protocols, author and reviewer expertise (M Smith)
  4. The big cure Part 3: checklists and guidances (V Ehrenstein)
  5. The big cure Part 4: Data provenance and custodianship (J Brown)

The Final Word

4:45pm – 5:30pm


38th ICPE Awards

Spotlight Poster Awards

2023 Meetings:

  • Mid-Year Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland Helga Gardarsdottir, Chair, Mid-year Program Planning Committee
  • 39th ICPE, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Robert Platt, Chair, Scientific Program Committee

Adjournment of the ICPE 2022


Breakout Sessions

10:30am – 12:00pm

Choose One:

Click the breakout session you would like to attend below:

Symposia & Workshops

Symposia & Workshops 

Symposia & Workshops 

Symposia & Workshops 

Symposia & Workshops 

Breakout Sessions

1:30pm – 3:00pm

Choose One:

Click the breakout session you would like to attend below:

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Breakout Sessions

3:30pm – 5:00pm

Choose One:

Click the breakout session you would like to attend below:

Symposia & Workshops

Symposia & Workshops 

Symposia & Workshops 

Symposia & Workshops 

Symposia & Workshops 

Breakout Sessions

5:15pm – 6:45pm

Choose One:

Click the breakout session you would like to attend below:

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions

Concurrent Oral Sessions